viernes, 31 de enero de 2014


Even though vast majority of Spanish politicians and important people are breaking the law, tricking and continuously thieving from public funds, the Constitution is vital for everyone’s life. It is the collection of a country’s fundamental laws and guarantees the most important rights and duties for the citizens. Weather it doesn’t exist, a dictatorship runs and enslaves all our lives.  I hope it won´t never happen, but you know, this government is taking us back to the Stone Age days…


There's nothing better than gossiping about your favourite football superstars!!

Hope you like it!!


Sorry to be late... ;)

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014


  • BUDGET:  a sum of money to be used for a specific purpose by a government.
  • CAP: the Common Agricultural Policy.
  • CFP: the Common Fisheries Policy.
  • CITIZENSHIP: the condition or status of a citizen, with its rights and duties.
  • COHESION:  the act of uniting or staying together.
  • COMMON MARKET: a market based on common policies and the free movement of goods, services, people and capital.
  • DEVELOPMENT: the act or process of growing or making progress.
  • DUTY: something you must do.
  • FRAGMENTATION: when production processes occur in different phases, in different places.
  • FREE MOVEMENT: the unrestricted movement of goods, services, people and capital in a common market.
  • FUNDS: the financial resources used by governments or political institutions for a specific purpose.
  • GDP: the Gross Domestic Product.
  • HETEROGENEITY: a thing that consists of dissimilar elements or parts.
  • HIERACHY: social system  in which some people order and the rest obey.
  • HIGHWAY/MOTORWAY: large road by where main ground transport goes by from one city to another.
  • HOMOGENEOUS: made up of the same kind of people or things.
  • INVESTMENT: the act of using something to achieve a goal.
  • MONETARY UNION: the sharing of the same currency between two or more states.
  • OUTSKIRTS: the bordering areas of a city.
  • OUTSOURCING: part of a company’s work is sent to another company, sometimes in a different country because it is a cheaper or more efficient option.
  • PROFITABLE : something by which you gain some benefits.
  • SEAFARING: related to the sea.
  • SKEPTICAL:  doubtful.
  • SUBSUDY: a type of financing offered by a government.
  • SURPLUS:  what is left over after producing excessively.
  • TREATY: a formal agreement between two or more states related to international relations.


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